Ohio Supercomputer Center


In 2006, members of Ohio Supercomputer Center came to Washington to brief congressional staff members on its Blue Collar Computing Program and latest efforts in advanced manufacturing. Burita was contracted to help the organization enhance its profile in the nation’s capital among lawmakers and the media. Following a very successful media event, a follow up letter to Burita from OSC Executive Director Stan Ahalt stated, “In 72 hours, you accomplished more media attention than we have had the entire year for this initiative. We were amazed at how quickly you learned the subject matter in order to communicate effectively to the press.”

Over the next several years, Burita has helped OSC garner media and editorial coverage for its initiatives in The Washington Post, Business Week, National Journal, Industry Week. Burita also helped position OSC as a national leader in advanced manufacturing by placing multiple op-eds in regional publications including Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Seattle Post Intelligencer and also key Washington trade publications read by policymakers and grant writers including Governing, Federal Computer Weekly, Government Computer News and Chronicle of Higher Education.

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